DISCLAIMER: This site is created as a hobby!

Knut Red leaning against a wall

Hi, it's me Knut from Germany and this is my new shiny project. The idea of an ai Tarot reader is something i had for a long time, finally now I made the first step! If you have suggestions, wanting to help or just say hi, don't hesitate to reach out to me! At @knut.red on Instagram or @knutRed on Twitter. Happy to be nominated for the WD Award!

I also use Vercel anonymous analytics and speed insights for improving the performance and find pain-points.

Here is a list of stuff i have planned:

Show drawn tarot card Done 😺
Today’s best question section Done 👻
Card of the day (I heard your feedback!)
◆ Generate unique a tarot card, according to your question. (expensive)
◆ Finetune the language model.
◆ detect and support other languages🌏
◆ make the same for Astrologie and other mystical things